So, imagine your life is stuck in a time loop. You do the same things everyday, same work day, same people, same everything. You usually don't get out of your comfort zone and you notice that people are like NPC's everyday. Imagine you are the main character who can interact with these NPC's the moment you interact.
Let me tell you how my Monday goes when I am absolutely bothered:
I wake up angry.
I put on my makeup annoyed and in teenage angst.
I eat breakfast and play Janelle Monae the entire time I'm getting ready.
I pack a wagon full of art supplies onto the bus and listen to soothing music.
The same man on the bus tells me I am strong but won't help me with my bags I carry for the kids art project.
I tell the kids I am teaching that I ain't playing around.
The kids then decide to try me like I am boo boo the fool.
I was absolutely immature to a child. I am human, I had a bad day and they probably were having a bad one too so we started having a verbal debate. Which disturbed the classroom learning space. Like UGH! I just want to teach art not argue with a kiddo.
The children leave the room and I am in the floor doing yoga to get my frustation out.
I am so overstimulated I forget to sign in to work AND send the debrief emails!
Guess what? I have done this before already! Same shizzle! But this time I am breaking the pattern by ASKING FOR HELP.
Instead of finishing my tasks I make a choice:
I send a text to administration so I can have more teachers in the room because I am not paid enough to be a baby sitter nor discplinary: I am an art teacher! Not a stress ball! I used yoga instead of screaming. I will admit I was very childish with how I conducted myself but I am a human; not a robot.
Results For Myself: I have the teachers on my side, I will in the future have assistance despite my frustrating start of the day and work day. I feel guilt free from how I behaved; which is having a back and forth teenager moment with a 7th grader. Like child: I am the adult! But I gave myself grace and forgave myself for how I acted during the day. So, when I show up on wednesday I am already in high spirits. I won against my own self sabotage which is usually: not asking for help.
My day proceeded to have the same loop on Monday which is usually a bus ride home, being a bit rushed. I had a meeting at the Saint Kate Hotel as well so I decided to channel some anger into clay. I conviently had in my bag for stress relief. So, I angrily made some clay figures while at the bar but my rewards by choosing to be kind to myself and stepping out my comfort zone:
My dinner was paid for. I networked with others. I didn't completely sabotage my new connections because of my "bad" day at work.
So, if you've gotten this far here is how to break your own patterns in your time loop.
Acknowledge you are in a loop. Accept it; it's okay it's teaching you a lesson in your life. Hence why you are in a loop in the first place.
Keep making choices out of your comfort zone. If you are shy: fake being extroverted. If you are shy and cannot be fake: OWN IT. Literally tell people " Look I am shy but I am working on being more extroverted."
Keep going. Literally; keep making different choices until you get into the reality or loop you truly desire. Notice the patterns and make a choice thats authentic to you!
Yes. It is that simple. It's beyond simple. It's so simple it'll probably piss you off how I have you my story and gave you this straight up answer. Til next time!
If this post feels like deja vu. It is.
Keep going loves.
We are all almost free in the mind.